Mental Health Matters is a monthly show facilitated by Radio Cayman that hosts panel discussions on various topics related to Mental Health. The show airs on the first Monday of every month (other than public holidays) from 12:13pm to 1:30pm. I have been fortunate to assist with the development of the show and always enjoy the great discussions that we have, both from panelists and from listeners who call or email in. I thank the community for the support of this show because Mental Health Matters.
To reach out to Talk Today: Talk Today on Radio Cayman
For more information on past shows: 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; 2017; 2016; 2015
To watch previous shows, check out Radio Cayman’s YouTube Channel
**To provide us feedback on the show or ideas for upcoming shows, please contact me by phone at 345-745-6464 or email at [email protected].
Thanks for listening!
To complete our 2 minute Listeners Survey as we prepare for 2023, please click the following link: